Upcoming Events
Maryland Student Venture Showcase
February 18, 2025, 5 PM - 9 PM, 4 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21201
Celebrate Maryland's brightest student entrepreneurs including Loyola's own Charles Engler, founder of Luminova, and recipient of a $50,000 Pava LaPere Innovation Award!
Greyhound Pitch Competition
February 22 - 23, 2025, 9 AM - 5 PM, Forbes Idea Lab (Beatty Hall 110)
Join the Simon Center for our inaugural Greyhound Pitch Competition powered by Y Center and sponsored by Loyola's Sellinger School of Business and Management, Natural and Applied Sciences division, and Pitch Creator! This two-day program takes participants through the process of breaking down a complex problem, developing ideas, defining actionable solutions, and creating a business model for a venture. In addition to cash prizes including the Hustle Award, one Greyhoud team will be selected to participate in the Hult Prize global business pitch competition in Boston in March 2025 with an opportunity to qualify for a $1M global award and trip to London this summer! ALL are welcome but register now - space is limited! Work toward building your BIG IDEA!
Student-Made Pop-Up Shops
Shop from student creators on campus this spring. Stay tuned for pop-up dates coming soon!
Shop online anytime at
Baltipreneurs Demo Day
March 18, 2025, 6 - 9 PM, McGuire Hall
Celebrate 12 local Baltimore ventures at a showcase event with networking, pitches, awards, and more! Details coming soon!
Small Business Legal Clinic
March 28, 2025, 1 - 5 PM, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Apply now for a FREE 1-hour session with an attorney to answer your legal questions about your small business, with support from Maryland State Bar Association and Civil Justice Inc.
Past Events
November Lunch & Learn - Faculty Perspectives on Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Monday, November 18, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Forbes Idea Lab (1st floor of Fernandez Center) Lunch provided!
Join us for a panel talk with Loyola faculty from various backgrounds to discuss the roles of I&E in different areas of study. All are welcome! Come as you are!
Show Her The Money film screening
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 5:30 - 8:30 PM, Parkway Theater (5 West North Avenue, Baltimore 21201)
Enjoy a cocktail reception and screening of Show Her The Money, a powerful film about the challenges women face securing financial capital and the female investors who support them. Brought to you by JHTV, Loyola University's Simon Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and UpSurge Baltimore.
Watch the trailer here: .
October Lunch & Learn
Friday, October 11, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Forbes Idea Lab (1st floor of Fernandez Center) Lunch provided!
Join us for an internship panel. Hear from students about their experiences interning at startups, in VC, and building their own businesses. Come for the pizza, stay for the conversation and connections! All are welcome, come as you are!
Baltipreneurs Q&A
Monday, October 14, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Zoom
Hear tips for submitting a successful application at a virtual Q&A session with director Wendy Bolger.
Women Founders Bootcamp
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Loyola Notre Dame Library IDEA Space
Join us for an in-person pre-application bootcamp for women founders to hear tips and advice from past female Baltipreneurs and have an opportunity to pitch your venture for a $500 prize.
September Lunch & Learn
Friday, September 13, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Forbes Idea Lab (1st floor of Fernandez Center)
Calling all makers and creators! Discover resources, connect with campus innovators, and celebrate the launch of Loyola's . All are welcome, come as you are! Pizza's on us!