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Federal Work-Study

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program is a federal, need-based aid program that offers eligible students the opportunity to work part-time jobs on campus to help support their educational expenses and gain valuable work experience with flexibility to work around their class schedule.

Federal Work-Study Calculator

Eligibility Requirements
  • Student eligibility is determined annually via the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Full-time enrollment
  • Housing status of on-campus or off-campus (not living at home)
Program Benefits
  • Earnings can be used to support living and educational expenses while enrolled at Loyola
  • Flexible work schedules around scheduled class times
  • On-campus positions
  • Community service positions
  • Campus connections with academic and administrative departments
  • Ability to work up to 15 hours per week
  • Participating in Federal Work-Study is purely optional and not required
Program Limitations
  • Federal Work-Study earnings are capped at a student's aid award maximum
  • Earnings are not applied directly toward billing statement
  • Earnings are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local taxes
  • If a Federal Work-Study job is not secured by the third week of the semester, the offer may be cancelled
  • Federal Work-Study jobs are not guaranteed
  • Students and their supervisors are expected to keep track of cumulative Federal Work-Study earnings to ensure that students do not exceed their FWS award
  • Students are advised to ask the employer, at the time of hire, what will happen if their award is exhausted. Can the job continue on a non-FWS basis?
  • Students participating in a Loyola Study Abroad Program forfeit FWS eligibility for the semester(s) they are abroad
  • Not available to commuter students (living at home with parents)
  • Not available to students who become Resident Assistants (RA)
Securing a Federal Work-Study Position
  • Eligible students can find and apply for work-study jobs via their account. Please check the list frequently as it is subject to change.
  • Required employment and tax forms can be found on the Human Resources forms webpage.
  • The current state mandated minimum wage is $15 per hour and is the hourly rate of pay a student will earn.
  • Students will be paid biweekly. The payroll schedule can be found online.
Student Responsibilities
  • Secure a position in a timely manner. Contact Human Resources or Financial Aid if you are experiencing difficulty finding a job. (See Contact Us below for more information.)
  • Submit all required forms to HR to obtain your certification to begin work
  • Treat your job as you would any other employment
  • Report to your Federal Work-Study job as scheduled
  • Notify your supervisor of anticipated tardiness or absences as early as possible
  • Monitor hours worked and total earnings
  • Dress appropriately for the position
  • Meet all job expectations by performing duties as instructed. Your employment is contingent upon satisfactory performance
  • Always demonstrate professional and courteous behavior
  • Refrain from conducting personal/academic matters during work
  • Provide your supervisor with sufficient advance notice if you wish to terminate your employment
Policies and Procedures
  • The Student Employment Handbook provides the policies and procedures associated with work-study student employment at Loyola. The information is helpful to both first-time and returning Federal Work-Study students who are participating in the Federal Work-Study program.
Contact Us

The financial aid and human resources teams are available to assist you with further questions.